Epiphytic herbs 3.5-12 cm. tall. Leaves as seen in profile narrowly elliptic-oblong to broadly ensiform, acute or obliquely acute, 3-7.5 cm. long and 0.7-1.5 cm. wide, the blades articulated to the oblong, persistent, conduplicate bases. Inflorescences 1-8 slender, arching or pendulous racemes up to about 9 cm. long, the rachis densely glandular-hirsute. Flowers of moderate size for the genus, on slender hirsute pedicels subtended by broadly ovate to suborbicular bracts with glandular-ciliate keels and margins. Sepals suborbicular to obovate, concave, white, about 3 mm. in diameter, the reverse surfaces and margins densely glandular-hirsute, the lateral sepals slightly oblique, with lacerate keels on the outer surfaces. Petals subequal to sepals, white, broadly obovate, concave, the outer surfaces ciliate, with a conspicuously lacerate central keel. Lip deep green, entire, broadly calceiform, deeply concave, about 4.2 mm. long and 3.2 mm. wide, the truncate or subcordate base adnate to the base of the column, the shortly acute apex strongly inflexed, the disk transversely thickened, minutely papillose, the lateral margins decurrent, with 2 short, lateral, acute swellings, finally truncately converging below at the base of the inner concavity of the lip.