Small, epiphytic herbs without pseudobulbs, the equitant, fleshy or coriaceous leaves distichously imbricating and forming a broad or narrow fan, the blades articulated below, those at the base of the fan caducous, the persistent sheathing bases sometimes thickened and resembling pseudobulbs. Inflorescences 1 to several slender, erect or pendulous racemes produced from the leaf axils. Sepals subequal, free, spreading, often concave. Petals subequal to the sepals or larger and flabellate. Lip entire or 3-lobed, the subsessile base continuous with the base of the column, the lateral lobes (if present) membranaceous or sometimes thickened, the midlobe short or more frequently elongate, often inflexed, the disk with a fleshy, bifid, bialate or bicornute callus. Column short, rather stout, without wings or appendages, the rostellar process very long and attenuate, the base of the column without a foot. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, imperfectly 2-celled, produced above the cells into an attenuate appendage resting on the rostellar process, sometimes exceeding it in length, the column and anther resembling the head and beak of a bird (genus unknown!); pollinia 4, waxy.