A shrub. Stems branched, erect, leafy, striate, glandular, silky canescent when young, becoming glabrous when older. Leaves trifoliolate, stipulate, sub-sessile; leaflets 1.9 cm long, 8.5 mm broad, obovate, cuneate, recurved mucronate, canescent when young, becoming glabrous, nigro-punctate on the upper surface with large and prominent glands on the lower surface. Stipules up to 2.5 mm long, subulate, acute, canescent. Flowers axillary, 1-3 together. Pedicels short; sometimes three sub-sessile flowers on a short peduncle. Calyx-tube 3 mm long, 7 mm in diameter, veined, canescent, very sparsely glandular; lobes lanceolate-ovate, acute, sparsely glandular and canescent; upper and lateral lobes 3-4 mm long, 1-1.5 mm broad: lowest lobe 5.5 mm long, 1.5 mm broad. Vexillum 5 mm broad, 6.5 mm long, obovate, with a channelled claw 1.5 mm long; alae 6.5 cm long, 2 mm broad, with a linear claw 3 mm long; carina 4 mm long, 2 mm broad, with a linear claw 3 mm long. Ovary glabrous; style 3.5 mm long, glabrous.
Erect, resprouting shrub to 2 m, very aromatic. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate, leaflets cuneate, glabrescent and large, glandular-warty beneath; stipules hairy. Flowers creamy white, calyx silky.