Flowers sessile to pedicellate, bracteate, aggregated in 1 or 5–50 triplets (rarely doublets) in axillary or apparently terminal fascicles, imperfect racemes or lax pseudo-spikes, each triplet subtended by a solitary bract; cupulum absent.
Leaves 1-foliolate or 3-foliolate, stipulate, subsessile or petiolate; leaflets entire, black-or pellucid-dotted, mostly recurved-mucronate; stipules evident, striate, adnate to the base of the petiole.
Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, the lowest lobe usually longer than the rest; vexillary lobes generally fused to some degree above the tube.
Vexillary stamen free or variously fused to androecial sheath; anthers uniform, alternately basifixed and medifixed.
Fruit swollen, indehiscent, pubescent, papery or cartilaginous.
Ovary uniovulate; style bent; stigma capitate.
Small trees, shrubs, subshrubs, or herbs.
Seeds compressed, longer than broad.