Erect, virgate, densely leafy, the twigs hairy; leaves trifoliolate, subsessile; leaflets cuneate-oblong, very blunt, recurvo-mucronulate, nigro-punctate and pellucid-dotted, glabrescent; stipules minute, triangular; tufts of flowers subsessile, axillary, 4-5 flowered; calyx tomentulose, campanulate, shortly 5-toothed; the teeth triangular; legume tomentose.
Perennial shrub, up to 1 m high. Leaves trifoliolate, subsessile or very shortly petiolate; leaflets narrowly obovate, cuneate, dotted with black glands, glabrescent; lateral leaflets asymmetrical. Flowers: in axillary clusters, peduncles 2-4 mm long; calyx dotted with black glands; lateral leaflets asymmetrical; corolla purplish pink; Jul.-Jun.