Shrubby, silky and silvery, densely leafy; twigs striate; leaves petiolate, pinnato-trifoliolate, leaflets elliptico-lanceolate or elliptical, glabrous on the upper, silky and silvery on the under surface, mucronate, penni-nerved; stipules lanceolate, equalling the petiole; peduncles terminal and axillary, much longer than the leaves; heads globose, bracteate, dense; bracts ovato-lanceolate, very villous bracteoles narrow-lanceolate; calyces villoso-hirsute, the segments lanceolate, lowest much longer than the rest; ovary glabrous.
Perennial shrub, up to 2 m high; stems densely leafy, silky and silvery; twigs striate. Leaves trifoliolate. Leaflets elliptic-lanceolate; upper surface glabrous and silvery; lower surface silky-canescent and prominently veined; mucronate, penninerved. Stipules lanceolate, as long as petioles. Inflorescences with terminal and axillary peduncles much longer than leaves; heads densely globose. Flowers deep blue. Flowering time Sept.-Jan.
Sprawling, silvery hairy shrub to 2 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets elliptic, densely white beneath, shiny green, glabrous above, margins revolute; stipules densely hairy. Flowers crowded on long, naked peduncles, deep blue-purple, calyx silvery or black-silky, lowest sepal larger.