Plant shrubby, pubescent, glabrous when older. Stems erect, leafy, branched. Leaves trifoliolate, sub-sessile, stipulate; leaflets 1.1-5 cm long, 2-4 mm broad, linear to linear-oblong, mucronate, glands immersed; lateral leaflets unequal sided. Stipules small, ovate, acuminate, not persistent. Flowers axillary, 2-3 together. Pedicels very short. Calyx-tube nigro-villous and veined; upper and lateral lobes subulate, the lowest ovate-lanceolate, longer than the rest.
Erect, closely leafy shrublet to 1 m. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate, leaflets oblong, margins minutely ciliate; stipules caducous. Flowers white, calyx black-hairy, accrescent, lowest sepal larger.