Stem much branched, mostly buried and rooting at nodes, ascending at tip, 2-3 mm. diam., glab., the plant us. forming a lfy mat up to c. 10 cm. diam. Lvs crowded, ± appressed to ground; lamina almost fleshy, 10-25×6-15 mm., narrow-to broad-ovate, rather regularly shallowly crenate, glab. except on margins and underside of midrib; petiole c. ═ lamina, narrow, channelled, with some long hairs. Peduncle erect, us. < 12 cm. long, hairy. Bracts in 1-3 pairs, us. subentire with marginal hairs. Pedicels as many as bracts or fewer, > fls, clad in long tapering hairs. Calyx 6-7 mm. long in fl., split anteriorally almost to base, the other clefts us. shorter; lobes c. 2 mm. wide, obtuse or posterior ones retuse, sparsely hairy on margins and occ. towards inflated base. Corolla c. 1·5 cm. diam., glab. outside. Capsule sts > calyx.