Suffrutex with annual shoots up to 2 m. tall arising from a woody rootstock; stems and branches red-brown to dark-brown, cylindric and glabrous on the lower part, subangular and ± shortly puberulous or glabrescent towards the apex, striate, rather densely leafy.
Inflorescences terminal and subverticillate and axillary, the latter generally shorter than the leaves, up to 3 cm. long, on peduncles 0·5–9 cm. long, the axis and branches striate, minutely appressed-hairy.
Drupe black, shining, 6 × 7 mm., broadly obovate, compressed, a little asymmetric, retuse or emarginate, wrinkled.
Petals whitish, c. 3 × 1 mm., oblong-lanceolate, externally appressed-hairy, with a triangular inflexed apex.
Calyx-segments 1·6–2·2 × 0·7–1·3 mm., oblong-ovate to lanceolate, acute, externally appressed-hairy.
Flowers shortly pedicellate.