Male flowers: calyx 5-partite with ovate or oblong-ovate or lanceolate segments, imbricate in bud; petals imbricate, flat or inflexed at the apex; stamens 5 with subulate filaments inserted below the cup-shaped crenulate disk; anthers linear-oblong or ovate, dorsifixed; vestigial gynoecium very small.
Female flowers: perianth like that of the male; staminodes small; ovary globose, 1-locular; ovule pendulous with an ascendent funicle, affixed laterally or nearly at the base of the loculus; styles 3, slightly connate at the base or free; stigmas capitate.
Leaves simple, alternate, opposite, subverticillate or verticillate, membranous to coriaceous, with a hairy indumentum; lateral nerves numerous, parallel and usually undivided almost to the ± thickened margin.
Drupe usually reniform, sometimes subglobose or globose; epicarp black and shining; mesocarp fleshy, lacunose, with the lacunae full of oil; endocarp cartilaginous.
Flowers dioecious, 5-merous, in axillary and terminal panicles; pedicels articulated near the apex.
Trees, shrubs, suffrutices or herbaceous perennials, with milky latex.
Cotyledons obovate, compressed.