Leaves alternate to opposite or the uppermost ones subverticillate; petiole 0·2–0·8 (1·2) cm. long, densely villous or puberulous to glabrescent; lamina usually not very discolorous, 5·5–19 × 2·5–9·5 cm., subcoriaceous to coriaceous, with the margin slightly thickened and revolute, frequently a little bullate on the upper face, dull and ± pubescent above, with a double indumentum below consisting of a layer of very short ± dense whitish appressed hairs on the lamina and another of longer stronger yellowish or whitish hairs mainly on the nerves and reticulation, patent to subappressed, either sparse and not concealing the short ones or denser and ± concealing them; midrib slightly prominent above, much raised below; lateral nerves 2–8 mm. apart, arcuate, forked near the margin, impressed to somewhat raised above, rather to very prominent below as is also the ± close venation.
Inflorescences in the upper axils, shorter than the leaves, very compact, subsessile to ± pedunculate, or terminal and arranged in verticils, rarely all the lateral and terminal ones together forming a rather large leafy panicle; axis and branches angular, ± villous to glabrescent; bracts linear, villous; pedicels 0·3–1 mm. long.
A suffrutex up to 1·8 m. high (or shrub up to 3 m. tall?), with simple or ± branched stems, greyish to cinnamon-coloured, cylindric in the lower portion, ± angular in the upper part, puberulous to ± densely villous, usually densely leafy, growing from a rootstock.
Petals creamy-white, 2·5–3·5 × 1–1·5 mm., oblong, with an inflexed triangular apex, externally appressed-hairy.
Drupe black, shining, 5–7 × 6–8 × 3–4 mm., transversely ellipsoid, compressed.
Calyx-segments 2–2·5 mm. long, ovate-triangular, puberulous.