Stem 150-520 mm tall, stout, erect, simple or occasionally branched at the base with many stems arising from the same rootstock, ± glabrous to densely pubescent or subtomentose, or sometimes ± scabrous-pubescent, hairs frequently bifarious. Leaves ascending; petioles 4-12 mm long; blade 40-109 x 9-42 mm, linear, lanceolate, narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblong to broadly oblong, elliptic or broadly ovate, margins scabrous, surface scabrous to densely pubescent or ± glabrous above. Inflorescence umbellate, (2-)4-6(-8)-flowered, sessile or lowermost shortly pedunculate, at nodes and terminal; peduncles up to 15 mm long, puberulous to densely pubescent. Bracts 3-20 mm long, very narrowly linear or linear elliptic, acuminate, subglobose to pubescent below. Pedicels 10-30 mm long, puberulous to subtomentose. Sepals 7-20 x 3.2-6.2 mm, lanceolate or ovate, acuminate, glabrous above, pubescent below. Corolla 10-23 mm long, globose or globose-campanulate, lobed almost to the base, brown-green or pale dull green with purple-brown markings, glabrous; lobes 6-16 x 7-13 mm, narrowly to broadly ovate or oblong, apex ± obtuse and notched, often slightly recurved, very concave at the lower part, margins imbricate at the base. Corona lobes 5-10 mm long, spreading horizontally from the base of the staminal column then abruptly upcurved and incurved with tips equally or shortly exceeding the style apex, linear, sometimes slightly dilated at the base or at the apex, apex obtuse and rounded, truncate or emarginate, base 1.0-3.8(-5.5) mm broad, apex 1.5-5.5 mm broad, ratio of apex width: base width 0.7-1.9:1.0; lobes flat from base to apex without any keels or appendages, yellow with purple-brown tips. Anther wings 2.0-4.2 mm long, slightly oblique with a straight or very slightly concave outer edge; appendages 1.5-3.3 mm long, broadly ovate to suborbicular, tip obtuse or sometimes apiculate, inflexed over and covering the style apex. Follicles 50-100 mm long, ovoid or fusiform; apex rounded, 6-winged, wings either very large, prominent and obtusely lobed or reduced to form a ridge.
Perennial, geophytic herb, 150-600 mm long; stems 1 or 2, erect, unbranched. Leaves spreading-erect, lanceolate to oblong, 40-78 x 9-43 mm, base rounded to shortly attenuate, apex acuminate to rounded, margins occasionally undulating; petioles 3.5-12.5 mm long. Inflorescences 4-6-flowered; peduncles up to 5(-15) mm long. Corolla urceolate, cream-coloured, brown-purple or pale green; lobes free for most of length, 10.5-17.5 x 4.5-11.0 mm. Corona yellow, mauve-purple or brown-marked; lobes ligulate from base, keels, wings or appendages absent, distal end erect, not overtopping style-stigma-head. Flowering time Nov.-Mar. Follicles narrowly ovoid, apex tapering, glabrous, prominently 6-winged; pedicels twisted.
Stout perennial to 50 cm; sap milky. Flowers globose to globose-campanulate, lobed almost to base, green with purple-brown markings, corona lobes without keels on upper surface.