Fruit fleshy, indehiscent; carpels almost completely connate or joined only at the base (1 or 2 often aborting).
Inflorescence a racemoid or paniculate thyrse, axillary or caulinary or flowers fasciculate.
Ovary 3-locular; loculi 1-ovulate; pistillode much reduced or absent in male flowers.
Flowers spuriously polygamous, monoecious or dioecious, zygomorphic.
Stamens 6–9 in an excentric bundle, reduced in female flowers.
Petals 3–4, unguiculate, each with a 2-lobed basal scale.
Seed elliptic, laterally compressed, without arillode.
Leaves paripinnate, petiolate; leaflets 2–12-jugate.
Sepals 4–5, unequal, ± connate.
Disk unilateral.
Trees or shrubs.