gray brown below, the internodes often elongated, the nodes slightly swollen. Leaves strongly unequal in a pair, much exceeding the stems, the larger leaf in a pair elongate, oblanceolate or narrowly elliptic, 12-24 cm long, 2-10 cm wide, succulent to membranous, the apex long acuminate, the base cuneate, long decurrent into the petiole, remotely serrate or serrulate, above dark green, sparsely to densely long hirsute to strigose or sericeous, the hairs sometimes reddish on young leaves, below lighter green, hirsute to strigose; petioles elon-gated, 5-18 cm long, green or reddish, strigose to sericeous; smaller leaves linear, to 5 cm long. Inflorescences axillary, subumbellate, of many flowers; peduncles short or lacking, the bracts linear, ca. 1 cm long; pedicels slender, 1-2 cm long, green or reddish, strigillose to hirsute. Flowers with the calyx lobes nearly equal, free, linear or subulate, 0.8-1.5 cm long, 1-2 mm wide, the margin re-motely toothed or entire, green with reddish apices, often clothed with reddish pilose hairs; corolla white, creamy yellow or yellow, with reddish or transparent hairs outside, trumpet-shaped, spurred at the base, oblique in the calyx, the tube to 4 mm long, ca. 3 mm in diam. near the base, ampliate ventricose at the middle, ca. 9 mm in diam., slightly narrower toward the limb, the inside glan-dular, the limb lobes rotund, ca. 4 mm long and wide, the upper and the lateral lobes spreading, entire to erose, the basal lobe erect, toothed to fimbriate; stamens included, the filaments 2-8 cm long, adnate to the base of the corolla tube for ca. 4 mm, coiled after anthesis, glabrous, the anthers coherent, the cells divergent, 1-2 mm long, the apex bearded; disc reduced to a single dorsal gland; ovary reddish, villous, the style 2-3 cm long, sparsely pilose, the stigma broadly stomatomorphic. Capsule globose, ca. 5 mm in diam., green to cream colored, appearing red from the red-villous hairs; seeds fusiform to oblong, ca. 0.5 mm long, striate, dark reddish brown. Chromosomes n = 9 (Lee, 1964, as Centro-solenia decurrens Morton).
Epiphytic herbs or subshrubs; stems creeping or scandent, to 0.5 m long, ca. 5 mm thick, succulent, the apex green or reddish, hirsute, becoming