Undershrub, 1-2 m. Stem and branches soft-woolly. Leaves thin-membranaceous, oblong-ovate, 15-20 by 6-8 cm, acuminate or cordate, base cuneate, entire; margin elsewhere remotely toothed, springly hispid on the nerves on both surfaces; petiole very slender, 5-8 cm. Flowers in distant axillary verticillasters, densely covered with long golden hairs. Bracts filiform, densely woolly. Calyx obconic-campanulate, 1-1.2 cm long, in fruit 1.2-1.4 cm, whitish with violet teeth; tube slightly curved, hirsute; teeth subulate. Corolla pale yellow, 1.5-2 cm long, outside densely pubescent; upper lip obovate, boat-shaped, apex truncate; lower lip with 3 subequal rounded lobes, the middle one broader, constricted below. Posterior style branches much shorter than the anterior. Nutlets dark blue to black, oblong, 7-8 by 3.5 mm, subtriquetrous, glabrous.