Herbs or shrubs. Leaves membranaceous, long-petioled. Flowers medium-sized, in dense, many-flowered verticillasters, often forming axillary, globose clusters. Bracteoles numerous, filiform. Calyx campanulate, 10-nerved, more or less equally 5-toothed, teeth deciduous or persistent; tube erect or slightly incurved. Corolla tube outside pubescent, glabrous and annulate within; limb 2-lipped; upper lip erect; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. Stamens 4, ascending under the upper lip, the lower pair longer; anthers connivent, the 2 cells divaricate; filaments glabrous without basal appendages. Disk uniform, entire. Style 2-fid, lobes subequal or the upper one shorter. Nutlets obovoid, triquetrous below, rounded above and on the dorsal surface, glabrous; pericarp thick, more or less coriaceous.