Woody vine, ca. 2 m long. Stems terete to trigonous, glabrous, smooth, slightly striate, not producing milky sap; cross section with a single vascular cylinder. Stipules deltoid, minute. Leaves trifoliolate; petiolules pulvinate, glabrous, the lateral ones 0.5-1.5 cm long, the distal one 2-4 cm long; petioles glabrous, terete, unwinged, 3.5-11 cm long; leaflets chartaceous, glabrous, elliptic or oblong-ovate, 8-16 × 3.6-8.4 cm, the base acute to obtuse, the apex cuspidate, the margins crenate to repando-dentate; tertiary veins reticulate, inconspicuous. Known to me only from sterile material, description of inflorescence and flower follows Radlkofer’s original description. Thyrses axillary, racemiform, subsessile; cincinni sessile, with numerous flowers. Outer sepals ovate, ½ the length of inner sepals; petals oblong, ca. 3 mm long; appendage ⅔ as long as the petals, stamens with pilose filaments; ovary tomentose. Capsules and seeds unknown.