Paullinia L.

Bread and cheese (en)


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Sapindaceae


Polygamous, tendrilled, scandent shrubs or lianas; wood simple or composite, usually with a central bundle surrounded by 3 peripheral bundles; milky sap common in stems; tendrils axillary or peduncular, forked, often bracteate at the fork, the arms coiled like a watchspring. Leaves alternate, 1-foliate, 3-, 5-, or 7-foliolate, biternate, ternate-pinnate or bipinnate; petiole and rachis often winged; leaflets membranous to coriaceous, often pellucid-punctate or-lineate, often with a network of semipellucid lactiferous canals (orange colored when observed by transmitted light), the margin usually variously toothed, the teeth often glandular; stipules often conspicuous, usually persistent. Inflorescences axillary, subterminal or at leafless nodes, usually solitary, sometimes fascicled, then at leafless nodes, basically thyrses but sometimes modified into cincinni and borne on a raceme, panicle or cyme, the cincinni subtended by bracts, the flowers with bracteoles. Flowers small, slightly zygomorphic; sepals 5 or 4 by fusion of the 2 lower sepals, imbricate, persistent, the 2 outside sepals smaller, often per-sisting in fruit; petals 4, with a complex, crested scale within, the scale consisting of an ellipsoid to rounded, petaloid, ciliate, basal part with a thickened, usually orange, variously shaped crest at the apex and a semicircular or triangular, usually densely pubescent, deflexed appendage positioned just beneath the crest on the inner surface, the anterior petal scales better developed than lateral petal scales, often coherent along their common inner margin by the entanglement of tri-chomes, the lateral petal scales with the crests reduced or absent, the basal part usually oblong, folded inward with the margins in proximity; disc annular, produced into 2 or 4 glands, usually only the anterior glands developed, these positioned beneath the anterior petals and usually protruding into the space formed by the lateral upfolded margins of the anterior petal scales and by the de-flexed appendages; stamens unequal, the anthers dehiscing laterally, the filaments often weakly basally united in staminate flowers; ovary 3-locular, sessile or short-stipitate, each cell 1-ovular, the style subulate or filiform, the stigma 3-parted, the ovules solitary, affixed below the middle of the cell. Fruits capsular, 1-3-celled, each cell 1-seeded, dehiscent into 3 valves, obovate or subglobular, sessile or stipitate, the valves septicidal, wingless, winged at the apex or winged for the total length of each cell, rarely spinose; seeds short, usually arillate with a crus-taceous testa, sometimes completely enveloped in mesocarp and apparently non-arillate; embryo usually curved.
Lianas, vines or less often understory shrubs; cross section with a single or multiple vascular cylinders, often producing milky sap. Stipules minute to foliaceous, persistent or deciduous. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate, pinnately 5-7(11)--foliolate, biternate, triternate, or partially bipinnate. Thyrses solitary or fascicled, axillary, distal, or cauliflorous, racemiform, spicate, or paniculate, with flowers in lateral cincinni or drepania. Flowers zygomorphic; calyx 4-5-merous, the sepals distinct, or the two anterior ones connate to different degrees into a larger sepal; petals 4, distinct, clawed, bearing a hood-shaped appendage, these with a fleshy, yellowish apex, smaller in lateral petals; disc unilateral, 2-or 4-lobed; stamens 8, the filaments of unequal length, usually pubescent; ovary 3-carpellate, the carpels with a single ovule. Fruit a septifragal (marginicidal) capsule, smooth, winged, rugose, or echinate, membranous, crustose, leathery or woody. Seeds usually globose, with a sarcotesta at base, but sometimes covering almost the whole seed.
Monoecious slender woody climbers, often with coiled tendrils at the base of the inflorescence. Leaves often stipulate, petiolate, variously compound, the petiole and rhachis commonly winged. Inflorescence an axillary (or cauliflorous in America) thyrse, simple, branched or clustered. Flowers slightly zygomorphic; sepals 5; petals 4 with scale prominent; disk reduced to little more than a unilateral pair of glands outside the stamens. Stamens and staminodes 8; anthers glabrous; filaments pilose, connate at the base. Ovary 3-locular with 1 ovule per locule; style trifid. Fruit a 3-valved obovoid capsule, often winged (not in Africa), sometimes spiny, dehiscing into 3 valves. Seeds borne on the central axis, black, arillate.
Woody climbers usually with paired spirally coiled tendrils arising at the apex of the peduncle; stems cable-like appearing to be composed of several coalescent axes (see t. 102 fig. 3).
Stamens 8, excentric, reduced or absent in the female flowers; filaments shortly connate at the base.
Ovary 3-locular, loculi 1-ovulate; style 3-fid; pistillode very reduced in the male flowers.
Petals 4, unequal, each with a large cucullate scale with an apical appendage.
Fruit capsular, 3-gonous or 3-winged; loculi 1-seeded; dehiscence septicidal.
Sepals 5, unequal, the 2 inner ones connate at the base.
Leaves stipulate, imparipinnate; leaflets 2-jugate.
Inflorescence a paniculate or racemoid thyrse.
Flowers spuriously polygamous, zygomorphic.
Disk unilateral, with 4 glands.
Seed with a fleshy arillode.
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Paullinia unspecified picture


Paullinia world distribution map, present in Argentina, Mexico, Panama, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000028341
INPN ID 628219
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Cururu Castanella Paullinia

Lower taxons

Paullinia carrenoi Paullinia cauliflora Paullinia chocoensis Paullinia bracteosa Paullinia brenesii Paullinia caloptera Paullinia capitata Paullinia clavigera Paullinia cururu Paullinia connaracea Paullinia coriacea Paullinia cupana Paullinia costaricensis Paullinia bipinnata Paullinia barbadensis Paullinia bicorniculata Paullinia alata Paullinia alsmithii Paullinia anisoptera Paullinia apoda Paullinia leiocarpa Paullinia macrophylla Paullinia ingifolia Paullinia densiflora Paullinia jamaicensis Paullinia manarae Paullinia micrantha Paullinia medullosa Paullinia filicifolia Paullinia fimbriata Paullinia echinata Paullinia granatensis Paullinia grandifolia Paullinia hispida Paullinia guaviarensis Paullinia fuscescens Paullinia glomerulosa Paullinia fusiformis Paullinia serjaniifolia Paullinia revoluta Paullinia spicata Paullinia rugosa Paullinia sphaerocarpa Paullinia splendida Paullinia rufescens Paullinia rubiginosa Paullinia tomentosa Paullinia stellata Paullinia tenuifolia Paullinia trigonia Paullinia talamancensis Paullinia nuriensis Paullinia mollicoma Paullinia nitida Paullinia pseudota Paullinia pachycarpa Paullinia paullinioides Paullinia clematidifolia Paullinia bernhardii Paullinia degranvillei Paullinia oldemanii Paullinia prevostiana Paullinia acutangula Paullinia allenii Paullinia anodonta Paullinia anomophylla Paullinia arenicola Paullinia aspera Paullinia baileyi Paullinia bidentata Paullinia exalata Paullinia ferruginea Paullinia firma Paullinia gigantea Paullinia hemiptera Paullinia hystrix Paullinia isoptera Paullinia latifolia Paullinia mallophylla Paullinia navicularis Paullinia nobilis Paullinia obovata Paullinia olivacea Paullinia parvibractea Paullinia plagioptera Paullinia pterocarpa Paullinia pterophylla Paullinia quitensis Paullinia reticulata Paullinia rhomboidea Paullinia scaberula Paullinia scabra Paullinia selenoptera Paullinia setosa Paullinia simulans Paullinia stenopetala Paullinia subnuda Paullinia tarapotensis Paullinia tenera Paullinia ternata Paullinia tricornis Paullinia trilatera Paullinia triptera Paullinia tumbesensis Paullinia turbacensis Paullinia uchocacha Paullinia venosa Paullinia weinmanniaefolia Paullinia xestophylla Paullinia yoco Paullinia bristanii Paullinia kallunkii Paullinia sternii Paullinia curvicuspis Paullinia eriocarpa Paullinia hymenobracteata Paullinia meliifolia Paullinia elegans Paullinia bilobulata Paullinia boliviana Paullinia castanifolia Paullinia clathrata Paullinia cuneata Paullinia dasygonia Paullinia dasyphylla Paullinia dasystachya Paullinia enneaphylla Paullinia fissistipula Paullinia fistulosa Paullinia globosa Paullinia interrupta Paullinia josecuatrii Paullinia killipii Paullinia laeta Paullinia linearis Paullinia marginata Paullinia mariae Paullinia martinensis Paullinia mazanensis Paullinia microneura Paullinia stipitata Paullinia stipularis Paullinia subauriculata Paullinia buricana Paullinia correae Paullinia funicularis Paullinia morii Paullinia panamensis Paullinia sprucei Paullinia brentberlinei Paullinia largifolia Paullinia carpopoda Paullinia plumierii Paullinia platymisca Paullinia fournieri Paullinia cambessedesii Paullinia conduplicata Paullinia hitchcockii Paullinia seminuda Paullinia riodocensis Paullinia excisa Paullinia fibulata Paullinia triantennata Paullinia unifoliolata Paullinia novemalata Paullinia acuminata Paullinia lingulata Paullinia uloptera Paullinia vespertilio Paullinia capreolata Paullinia costata Paullinia elliptica Paullinia venezuelana Paullinia imberbis Paullinia verrucosa Paullinia emetica Paullinia cristata Paullinia tetragona Paullinia cirrhipes Paullinia livescens Paullinia integra Paullinia fraxinifolia Paullinia spicithyrsa Paullinia trifoliolata Paullinia pinnata