Lianas; stems terete, densely appressed-pubescent when young, conspicuously lenticellate and glabrous in age; wood simple. Leaves pinnately 7-foliolate, 11-25 cm long; petiole terete, 4.5-6.5 cm long, appressed-pubescent, narrowly canalicu-late and puberulous on the upper surface; rachis terete, 3-ribbed on the upper surface; leaflets lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, gradually acuminate at the apex, attenuate to acute at the base, 6-12.5 cm long, 1.7-3.5 cm wide, entire, viscidulous, glabrous above except puberulent on the sharply raised midrib, glabrous beneath except for some sparsely barbulate vein axils, the reticulate venation prominently raised on both surfaces, especially beneath; petiolules 1-2 mm long, appressed pubescent or puberulent; stipules inconspicu-ous, soon deciduous. Inflorescences of solitary, unbranched thyrses 3-6 cm long, borne on leafless nodes in fruit; rachis, pedicel and outer sepals appressed-pubes-cent to puberulent; pedicels to 3 mm long in fruit, articulate about midway, the outer sepals pubescent inside, to ca. 2 mm long. Flowers unknown. Fruits obovate to ellipsoid, prominently stipitate, rounded to truncate or obtuse at the apex, 2-2.3 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, prominently 3-winged, red, the valves glabrous outside except on the style, the style persistent, ca. 1.3 mm long, 3-branched in the upper third, pulverulent-tomentose inside, the stipe 3-5 mm long; seeds shiny, black, glabrous.