Lianas; stems terete, finely and evenly lenticellate; wood simple. Leaves ter-nate-pinnate, 25-35 cm long, densely appressed-pubescent when young, soon glabrous, the lower pair of pinnae biternate; petioles 7.5-13 cm long, the petiole and rachis without wings but with an erect margin on the upper surface; stalk of the lower set of leaflets ca. 1 cm long; leaflets usually 11, lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, gradually long-acuminate, attenuate to acute at the base, (3-)5-14 cm long, (1.5-)2-4.7 cm wide, entire to remotely and inconspicuously crenate, drying grayish brown to reddish brown, the lateral veins slightly raised on both surfaces, the reticulate venation obscure; stipules narrowly triangular, acute, 6-8 mm long, densely tomentose outside, glabrous inside, soon deciduous. Thyrses solitary or in axillary panicles to 30 cm long; rachises granular-tomentose and hispid; smaller branches, pedicels, bracteoles, and calyces densely brownish-tomentose; bracteoles ovate-triangular, glabrous within, soon deciduous; pedicels to ca. 3 mm long. Flowers white; sepals 2.5-4.5 mm long, glabrous within; petals narrowly obovate, 5.5-6 mm long, the anterior scales ellipsoid, densely villous along the margins and over the surface of the deflexed appendage as well as on parts of the crest, the deflexed appendage densely bearded, the crest thick, shallowly bilobed, the lateral scales consisting merely of a fold, densely villous along its mar-gin, the crest simple; disc glands 2, semicircular, glabrous, contiguous; sta-mens terete, weakly fused near the base; staminate flowers with the stamens to 4 mm long, the pistil reduced, 3-sided, glabrous except at the apex; bisexual flowers not seen. Capsules (in part after Radlkofer) subglobose, stipitate, abruptly contracted at the base, orange, ca. 1.7 cm long, glabrous and verrucose outside, glabrous inside, the pericarp ca. 2 mm thick, the stipe 5-6 mm long; seeds elliptic, arillate, the aril gray black, powdery (fide Porter et al. 4129).