Tendrilled lianas; stems terete, glabrous and shiny; wood composite. Leaves ternate, 8-20 cm long; petiole winged; leaflets elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, usu-ally acuminate at the apex, sometimes acute or obtuse, sessile or with a petiolule ca. 1 mm long, acute to attenuate at the base, 4-14 cm long, 1.6-5.5 cm wide, glabrous, membranous, the vein axils densely barbulate beneath, the margin denticulate in the distal portion. Thyrses solitary in the axils of the leaves; brac-teoles subulate, 1.5 mm long. Flowers white, ca. 3 mm long; sepals rotund-ovate, tomentulose; petals oblong, acute, narrow at the base, the scale with villous mar-gin, the crest emarginate and glabrous, the deflexed appendage broad and simply an extension of the scale with villous margins; stamens with the filaments filiform, sparsely pilose; ovary obovoid, 3-lobed. Fruits usually prominently curved, l-locular, 3-valved, 1.5-2.5 cm long, sparsely appressed-pubescent to glabrate, bright red; seed 1, 7-9 mm long, the aril white, fleshy.