Plants terrestrial, on rock, or epiphytic. Stems short-creeping, unbranched, 4--8 mm diam., not whitish pruinose; scales concolored, ovate to linear-lanceolate, not clathrate, glabrous or pubescent, margins entire. Leaves monomorphic, crowded, narrowed toward tip, to 90 cm. Petiole dark brown to black, round in cross section except for narrow lateral ridge decurrent from base of blade. Blade narrowly oblong to linear, usually pectinate, with more than (20--)25 pairs of segments, not glaucous, pubescent, scales absent or on midrib only; rachis scaly and/or pubescent or glabrous abaxially, pubescent adaxially, scales basally attached and linear to cordate. Segments usually linear, 1.5--5(--8) mm wide, adnate to costa, closely spaced, margins entire, apex acute. Veins 1--2-forked [simple], occasionally anastomosing. Sori terminal on veins, round; indument of branched glandular hairs. Spores tuberculate. x = 37.