Trees, the branchlets coarse, the leaves few-ranked. Leaves very large, bipin-nate, the pinnae many pairs, opposite, the leaflets many pairs per pinna; petiole and rachis eglandular; leaflets small, numerous, inequilateral or falcate; stipules small. Inflorescence of stout, elongate spikes, apparently ebracteate. Flowers moderately small, 5-parted, rather coriaceous; calyx cupulate, the rounded lobes somewhat imbricate in bud; corolla of 5 petals connate below the middle, valvate; stamens 5, exserted, united below (with staminodia) into a very short tube; staminodia 5 (in Panama), 10 or 15, usually about 3 times as long as the stamens; anthers rela-tively large, gland-tipped; ovary subsessile, the stigma expanded, terminal. Legume large, flat, thick, woody, broadest above the middle, elastically 2-valvate, longi-tudinally striate.