Peucedanum L.

Peucedanum (en), Peucédan (fr)


Angiosperms > Apiales > Apiaceae


Biennial or perennial herbs, glabrous to variously pilose, rootstock various. Leaves variously pinnately or ternately divided into filiform to broad and jaggedly toothed segments, nervation pinnate, very rarely parallel-nerved and then with obscure secondary venation. Umbels compound, few–many; involucre of 0 or few caducous to numerous persistent bracts; involucel usually conspicuous, of numerous bracteoles; flowers usually polygamous, the terminal umbels of stem and branches hermaphrodite and fertile or the inner partial umbels or their inner flowers ♂, the opposite or verticillate outer umbels entirely or in part ♂. Calyx-teeth absent to small but distinct. Petals white to cream, yellow or (commonly in Africa) greenish cream, ± incised above with a large or smaller incurved acute point. Fruit strongly dorsally compressed, oblong to elliptic, obovate or roundish, glabrous, truncate to slightly emarginate at base and apex, the stylopodia ± apical, commissure wide; 3 dorsal ribs ± prominent, slender, 2 marginal ribs expanded into distinct, broad to rather narrow, paper-thin or thicker wings; vittae 2–8(–12) on the commissural face, when numerous then slender and variable in number and sometimes irregular; vallecular vittae l–3(–5) or rarely almost a complete ring of vittae around the endosperm; vittae usually black and conspicuous in the ripe fruit, but on the commissure sometimes concealed by overlying tissue and clear only in section; stylopodia conical; styles short; carpophore deeply bipartite. Endosperm flat or shallowly bisulcate on the commissural face, slightly to clearly sulcate beneath the vittae dorsally.
Herbs perennial. Rootstock short, crown usually bearing remnant leaf sheaths. Stem finely striate, dichotomously branched above. Leaves petiolate; petioles sheathing. Umbels loosely compound, terminal and lateral; bracts numerous or absent; rays numerous or few; bracteoles numerous, rarely few or absent. Calyx teeth short or obsolete. Petals usually white, occasionally pinkish or purplish, rarely pale yellow, orbicular to obovate, with a narrow inflexed apex. Stylopodium low-conic. Fruit ellipsoid, oblong to suborbicular, dorsally compressed; dorsal ribs filiform, slightly prominent, lateral ribs thickened and narrowly winged, wings closely appressed to one another; vittae 1 to several in each furrow, 2 to several on commissure. Seed face plane or slightly concave. Carpophore bipartite.
Often robust herbs, root fusiform, sometimes tuberous. Leaves pinnate. Flowers bisexual, upper ones sometimes ♂, white or yellow, rarely purple. Compound umbels without involucres. Involucels present. Calyx rim abbreviate, shortly or distinctly toothed. Petals broad-ovate, with a long, inflexed tip. Stylopodium thick-conical, surrounded by the calyx rim. Fruit strongly dorsally compressed, narrow-to broad-elliptic, sometimes emarginate; marginal wings coherent, loosening when the mericarps are ripe. Mericarps rather thin and slightly concave, with a distinct marginal wing in the base of which the marginal ribs are merging; dorsal side with 3 distinct ribs; vittae narrow, 1-3 between the ribs and 2-6 at the commissure. Carpophore split to the base, filiform.
Fr strongly flattened dorsally, the lateral ribs evidently winged, the others wingless; oil-tubes 1–3 in the intervals, 2 or more on the commissure; carpophore bifid to the base; umbels compound; pet white or yellow; stylopodium conic; perennials, usually coarse and erect from a taproot or stout rhizome, with pinnately or ternately compound or dissected lvs, often with well defined lfls. 100+, Old World.
Lateral wings well developed as expansions of the marginal ribs, sometimes surrounding the stylopodium on both sides, dorsal ribs filiform.
Fruit orbicular, oblong or pyriform, very strongly dorsiventrally compressed, with a broad commissure.
Umbels compound, bracts 0 to numerous, probably sometimes caducous; bracteoles several to numerous.
Leaves pinnate or ternate, or compound forms of these, rarely finely divided.
Petals white, cream or yellow, sometimes flushed with pink.
Vittae 1–3 in each interval and 2 in the commissural face.
Perennial herbs, rarely biennials or annuals.
Stylopodium well developed, conical.
Carpophore divided to the base.
Calyx teeth minute or 0.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-11


Uses -
Edible roots tubers
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Peucedanum unspecified picture


Peucedanum world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000029000
BDTFX ID 86968
INPN ID 196018
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Oreoselis Pteroselinum Thaspium macrocarpum Oreoselinum Thysselinum Tommasinia Imperatoria Cervaria Calestania Peucedanum Ferula macrocarpa Analyrium Lomatium ellipticum Peucedanum eurycarpum Archemora Euryptera Ormosolenia Lomatium macrocarpum var. ellipticum Peucedanum nudicaule var. ellipticum

Lower taxons

Peucedanum tauricum Peucedanum verticillare Peucedanum cervaria Peucedanum latifolium Peucedanum adae Peucedanum anamallayense Peucedanum alpinum Peucedanum nepalense Peucedanum nagpurense Peucedanum multivittatum Peucedanum dhana Peucedanum siamicum Peucedanum vaginatum Peucedanum belutschistanicum Peucedanum autumnale Peucedanum coreanum Peucedanum palustre Peucedanum puberulum Peucedanum rochelianum Peucedanum hispanicum Peucedanum lancifolium Peucedanum longifolium Peucedanum pimenovii Peucedanum vogelianum Peucedanum dehradunense Peucedanum coriaceum Peucedanum rablense Peucedanum ruthenicum Peucedanum insolens Peucedanum lowei Peucedanum longeradiatum Peucedanum translucens Peucedanum ozhatayiorum Peucedanum sandwicense Peucedanum cervariifolium Peucedanum elegans Peucedanum hypoleucum Peucedanum montanum Peucedanum winkleri Peucedanum morisonii Peucedanum zedelmeyeranum Peucedanum japonicum Peucedanum dielsianum Peucedanum wulongense Peucedanum longshengense Peucedanum dissolutum Peucedanum harry-smithii Peucedanum violaceum Peucedanum mashanense Peucedanum guangxiense Peucedanum medicum Peucedanum henryi Peucedanum yunnanense Peucedanum caffrum Peucedanum sulcatum Peucedanum thodii Peucedanum zeyheri Peucedanum songpanense Peucedanum ampliatum Peucedanum pubescens Peucedanum rubricaule Peucedanum chinense Peucedanum ledebourielloides Peucedanum vourinense Peucedanum leiocarpum Peucedanum venetum Peucedanum platycarpa Peucedanum aragonense Peucedanum wawrae Peucedanum zenkeri Peucedanum cordatum Peucedanum ceylanicum Peucedanum parkinsonii Peucedanum muliense Peucedanum connatum Peucedanum nanum Peucedanum gallicum Peucedanum oreoselinum Peucedanum austriacum Peucedanum alsaticum Peucedanum paniculatum Peucedanum ostruthium Peucedanum officinale