Flowers in terminal, leaf-opposed or axillary racemes or panicles, medium to small, unisexual with the plants dioecious; bracts small; bracteoles similar at top of the pedicel at an articulation.
Stamens 10(11), all fertile in male flowers, reduced to staminodes in female flowers; filaments villous below; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits.
Seeds embedded in pulp, irregularly arranged, with a U-shaped line below the small subapical hilum.
Leaves composed of 2 united leaflets, bilobed, petiolate, with deciduous stipules.
Stigma thick, capitate, flattened-globose, sessile on the ovary.
Pods leathery to woody, oblong, indehiscent, many-seeded.
Calyx deeply cupular, with 4–5 short lobes.
Petals 5, usually white to pink.
Deciduous trees or shrubs.
Hypanthium infilled.