Weak-stemmed tree ± 15 m. tall.. Petiole 5–17 cm. long, woody; rhachis 4–20 cm., glabrous; petiolules swollen, channelled, 4–10 mm. long; leaflets in 3–5 pairs, oblong-elliptic or lanceolate, the uppermost pair largest, 12–26 cm. long, 4–13 cm. wide, the apex with a short acute acumen, the base unequally cuneate or rounded; both surfaces glabrous and shining, drying brown; lateral nerves in ± 10 well-marked pairs, they and the midrib with a convex line on the upper surface, very prominent beneath, the veins forming a very fine raised reticulum on both surfaces.. Inflorescence unbranched, with sessile fascicles on long spikes, apparently borne on the stem, opposite or between leaves; axis 27–40 cm. long, puberulous, bearing cymose groups of 3–7 flowers subtended by subulate bracts.. Calyx-tube 1.5 mm. long, lobes 2 mm. long, densely ferrugineous-pubescent.. Disk said to be densely pubescent.. Stamen filaments pilose.. Fruit unknown.