Tree ± 20 m. tall.. Petiole 3.5–6 cm. long, glabrescent; leaf-rhachis 13–17 cm. long, minutely hairy; petiolules 2 mm. long, swollen, pubescent; leaflets in 6–7 pairs, drying brownish, alternate apart from the lowermost, narrowly oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, 6–12 cm. long, 2–3 cm. wide, the middle pairs slightly longer than the lowermost, abruptly acuminate, the base asymmetrically acute or rounded, both surfaces glabrous; lateral veins in ± 13 pairs, indistinct above, prominent beneath, the midrib with a raised line on the upper surface, minor vein reticulum prominent on both surfaces.. Inflorescence a branched thyrse borne on the old wood; main axis 27 cm. long, branches up to 11 cm. long, pubescent; flowers single or in groups on the main or branch axes or on short minor branches; bracts 0.5–2 mm. long; pedicels 5–9 mm. long, sometimes articulated with a pedicel-like stalk 1–5 mm. long below.. Calyx-lobes triangular, 1.5 mm. long, externally shortly velvety pubescent.. Disk pubescent.. Staminodes 8 (male flowers unknown).. Ovary deeply 3-lobed, 3-locular; style equalling the ovary.. Fruit unknown, expected to be a group of 1–3 mericarps joined at the base only or for a greater part of the central septum.. Fig. 19.