Dorsal sepal erect, 11.5–12 × 8–9 mm, ovate, convex, rounded at the apex or apiculate; lateral sepals spreading, 13–14 × 4–5 mm, curved-lanceolate, oblique.
Flowers cream, creamy-white or lime-yellow (type description says rarely red).Pedicel 4–8 cm long; ovary 1.5 cm long; bracts 2–2.5 cm long.
Petals 11.5 × 7–8.5 mm, very curved, obliquely triangular-ovate, adnate to dorsal sepal.
Leaves 3–6, spaced along the stem, up to 7 × 0.4 cm, linear or linear-lanceolate.
Terrestrial herb 20–40 cm tall; tubers up to 17 × 10 mm, ovoid, villous.
Rostellum 5 mm long; mid-lobe 3 mm high, side lobes almost absent.
Inflorescence 1-flowered, rarely 2-flowered.
Anther 5.5 mm high; canals very short.
Stigmatic arms 3 mm long.