Plumeria rubra L.

Templetree (en), Frangipanier (fr)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Apocynaceae > Plumeria


Trees, to 2 5 m, the stems corky, the leaf scars pronounced, the younger parts softly pubescent. Leaves obovate to ? oblong-elliptic, acute, obtuse basally, to 40 cm long and 15 cm wide, mostly glabrous above, ? pubescent beneath especially near the midrib, the secondary veins anastomosing and forming a lateral vein, firmly membranaceous; petioles stout, sparsely pubescent, ca. 3-7 cm long. Inflorescences corymbose, mostly terminal, the peduncles to 12 cm long. Flowers with the pedicels 0.4-2 cm long, pubescent; bracts minute; calyx-lobes ovate-quadrate, weakly mucronate, pubescent, ca. 1 mm long; corolla salverform, white, flushed with pink beneath, sometimes with a yellow throat, the tube ca. 14-18 mm long, pubescent within, the lobes broadly obovate, 30-45 mm long and 15-25 mm wide; anthers ca. 2 mm long. Follicles compressed, 20-30 cm long and 2-3 cm wide; seed proper 2.8-3 cm long, the wing 3-4 cm long.
A deciduous shrub or small tree. It grows 2-8 m tall. It has an irregular shape. The leaves fall off during the year. The leaves grow in spirals at the tips of the branches. They are smooth and broadly sword shaped and taper to both ends. The veins are distinct and straight. The flowers are red, yellow or pink. They occur in upright clusters at the tips of branches. They have a scent. The fruit are pods. They occur in pairs. They are 12-30 cm long. The seeds have wings.
Trees to 8 m tall. Bark pale green, smooth, thin. Petiole to 7 cm; leaf blade elliptic to very narrowly so, 14-30 X 6-8 cm, glaucous adaxially, apex acute or acuminate; lateral veins 30-40 pairs, slightly elevated abaxially. Corolla tinged with pink or purple at least outside, 4-6 cm in diam.; lobes pink, yellow, or white, with a yellow base, 3-4.5 X 1.5-2.5 cm, obliquely spreading. Follicles oblong, 11-25 X 2-3 cm. Fl. Mar-Sep, fr. Jun-Dec. 2n = 36.
Small trees; corolla tube narrow; anthers without long bristly appendages. Leaves obovate or elliptic, > 2 cm wide. Leaf blade acute or acuminate at apex, glaucous, dull above
Shrub or small tree from the Americas, to 9 m, much branched.. Flowers white, yellow, pink or red.
Life form perennial
Growth form tree
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 1.5
Mature height (meter) 6.0 - 8.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) 0.9
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Dry, hot areas. Dry, rocky lowland. Rather dry, often rocky forest and mountain slopes, occasionally on plains or in brushy savannahs, usually at elevations from 500-1,000 metres, but can be found up to 1,500 metres.
A tropical plant. It is native to Mexico and Central America. It grows throughout the warm parts of India. It suits hardiness zones 10-12. In Yunnan.
Light 5-8
Soil humidity 2-6
Soil texture 3-4
Soil acidity 2-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 10-12


The flowers are eaten in fritters. They are also used for tea. The fruit are eaten. CAUTION: The fruit can produce abortions. They should not be eaten by pregnant women.
Uses animal food environmental use essential oil food gene source material medicinal poison social use tea wood
Edible flowers fruits seeds
Therapeutic use Antirheumatic agents (bark), Diarrhea (bark), Gonorrhea (bark), Leprosy (bark), Menstruation-inducing agents (bark), General tonic for rejuvenation (bark), Sexually transmitted diseases (bark), Contraceptive agents (flower), Pectoralis muscles (flower), Antipyretics (leaf), Antirheumatic agents (leaf), Inflammation (leaf), Cathartics (plant exudate), Dental caries (plant exudate), Counterirritant (plant exudate), Toothache (plant exudate), Antipruritics (root), Cathartics (root), Flatulence (root), Gonorrhea (root), Herpes simplex (root), Laxatives (root), Leprosy (root), Sexually transmitted diseases (root), Simplexvirus (root), Stomach diseases (root), Ulcer (root), Abortifacient agents (stem), Abortifacient (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified), Bechic (unspecified), Bronchitis (unspecified), Cathartic (unspecified), Dropsy (unspecified), Flu (unspecified), Fungicide (unspecified), Gingivitis (unspecified), Herpes (unspecified), Itch (unspecified), Pectoral (unspecified), Pertussis (unspecified), Piles (unspecified), Poison (unspecified), Purgative (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Wart (unspecified), Cold (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Rubefacient (unspecified), Bactericide (unspecified), Cholera (unspecified), Dyspepsia (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Erysipelas (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Scurf (unspecified), Stimulant (unspecified), Venereal (unspecified), Yaws (unspecified), Cicatrizant (unspecified), Bruise (unspecified), Cataplasm (unspecified), Corn (unspecified), Cosmetic (unspecified), Dermatosis (unspecified), Dysuria (unspecified), Funereal (unspecified), Skin (unspecified), Swelling (unspecified), Syphilis (unspecified), Tumor (unspecified), Wound (unspecified), Blennorrhagia (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Gonorrhea (unspecified), Laxative (unspecified), Toothache (unspecified), Anti-bacterial agents (unspecified), Antipyretics (unspecified), Antirheumatic agents (unspecified), Digestive system diseases (unspecified), Edema (unspecified), Counterirritant (unspecified), Menstruation-inducing agents (unspecified), Periodontal diseases (unspecified), Pruritus (unspecified), Sexually transmitted diseases (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified), Antipyretics (whole plant)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seeds. Plants can also be grown from cuttings or layers. The cuttings are allowed to wilt before planting.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) 1
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Plumeria rubra habit picture by Daniel Barthelemy (cc-by-nc)
Plumeria rubra habit picture by Nelson Zamora Villalobos (cc-by-nc)
Plumeria rubra habit picture by Daniel Barthelemy (cc-by-sa)


Plumeria rubra leaf picture by Wilmar Dávila (cc-by-sa)
Plumeria rubra leaf picture by Stela Areco (cc-by-sa)
Plumeria rubra leaf picture by Castro Wagner Castro (cc-by-sa)


Plumeria rubra flower picture by Vargas Jose (cc-by-sa)
Plumeria rubra flower picture by Maria Spanikova (cc-by-sa)
Plumeria rubra flower picture by diviu mercedes (cc-by-sa)


Plumeria rubra fruit picture by Nelson Zamora Villalobos (cc-by-nc)


Plumeria rubra world distribution map, present in Argentina, American Samoa, Benin, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bhutan, China, Cameroon, Colombia, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Ecuador, Fiji, Micronesia (Federated States of), Guinea, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Guatemala, French Guiana, Guam, Guyana, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Cambodia, Kiribati, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Saint Lucia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mexico, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Northern Mariana Islands, Mozambique, Martinique, Nicaragua, Niue, Nepal, Nauru, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Palau, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Sao Tome and Principe, Suriname, Chad, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Taiwan, Province of China, United States of America, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Viet Nam, and South Africa

Conservation status

Plumeria rubra threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000279184
BDTFX ID 120792
INPN ID 446927
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


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