Trees or shrubs. Leaves with the stipules small, cuspidate. Inflorescences terminal, paniculate, the cymes small. Flowers pedicellate, the pedicels bracteo-late; hypanthium turbinate, the calycine cup short, 5-dentate, one of the lobes disposed as a large stalked foliaceous blade; corolla tubular, villous within, the lobes 5, valvate; stamens 5, the anthers slender, versatile, exserted,the filaments attached to the wall of the corolla tube; ovarian disc thick, annular, the style slender, the stigmas 2, obtuse, the ovary 2-celled, the ovules numerous, longi-tudinally adnate to the septum. Fruits capsular, woody, loculicidally dehiscent into 2, many-seeded valves; seeds horizontal, the testa thick.