Trees to 10 m tall, the branchlets terete, smooth, glabrous to glabrescent, often with fusiform white lenticels. Leaves oblong, rarely obovate oblong, 15-21(-30) cm long, 6.0-11.5 cm wide, 2 to 3 times longer than wide, usually acute, shortly acuminate, the acumen 1.5-2.0 cm long, ultimately subobtuse to acute, basally attenuate acute to cuneate, equilateral, the costa slender, subplane to prominulous above, usually prominent beneath, the lateral veins 10-12, the me-dian veins 1.5-2.0 cm apart, arcuate, papyraceous, slightly discolorous; petioles minute or 1-3 cm long, wiry, to 0.1 cm wide, often curved, glabrous to puberulent; stipules compressed rectangular, much wider than long, to 3 mm long, the apic-ulum ca. 1 mm long, densely golden pubescent. Inflorescences terminal and ax-illary, usually exceeding the uppermost leaves, thrysoid cymose, spreading, gla-brous, to 25 cm long, to 15 cm wide, either sessile with 2 or 3 branches from the stem tip or with peduncles 5-10(-13) cm long, wiry, often plane and twisted, the primary branches few, the pairs 2-4, opposite, 2-3 cm apart in the larger inflo-rescences, strict or arcuate, strongly ascending, the cymules terminal, flabellately disposed. Flowers with the hypanthium oblong or turbinate, ca. 3 mm long, puberulent, constricted below the calycine cup, the latter ca. 1 mm long, turgid, eglandular within, 4 of the calycine teeth subulate, to 1 mm long, the 5th expanded as a flaring foliose bract-like structure, ovate, oblong rotund or trapeziform ro-tund, 1-5 cm long, to 4 cm wide, acute to deltoid at the apex, occasionally vaguely acuminate, rounded or cuneate at the base with 5-7 conspicuous veins, glabrous or puberulent, the stalk slender, 1.5-2.0 cm long; corolla red or pink, the tube narrowly cylindrical, ca. 25 mm long at anthesis, constricted medially, stiffly petaloid above, subcoriaceous on the lower third, puberulent outside and in ex-cept villose inside at the filament attachment point, the lobes 5, triangular, ca. 4 mm long, erect; stamens 5, the anthers oblong, 1.5-2.5 mm long, the filaments linear, to 28 mm long, plane, often exserted to 3 mm above the mouth, attached ca. 8 mm from the base of the tube, the style linear, usually slightly exceeding the tube, puberulent, the stigmas coiled, ca. 2 mm long. Fruits capsular, oblong rotund, 5-7 mm long, to 6 mm wide, usually truncate, drying black, glabrous, conspicuously lenticellate, the furrow usually conspicuous; seeds round or ob-long, ca. 0.4 mm in diam.