Posterior sepal 5 mm. long; wing sepals 9–11 x 7–8.5 mm., obliquely suborbicular, pubescent or nearly glabrous with a few hairs towards the base; anterior sepals 4.5 mm. long, free.
Leaves 2.5–7 x 0.4–1.4 cm., linear-elliptic to narrowly elliptic, rounded or acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, densely pubescent.
Seed 4.5 x 1.5 mm., cylindric, with rather short, white, silky-pubescent indumentum; caruncular appendages absent.
Upper petals 8 mm. long, bent nearly at right angles and laterally notched; carina 11 x 5 mm., crest 3 mm. long.
Capsule 6–9 x 4–5 mm., obovate-elliptic in outline, shiny, with very narrowly winged pilose margin.
Shrub or perennial herb up to 2.5 m. in height, stems densely crisped-or patent-pubescent.
Stamens 8.