Leaves very variable in size (reaching a maximum of 10 x 2.5 cm. in Angolan material), elliptic to very narrowly elliptic acute or rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, glabrous or nearly so.
Posterior sepal 6 mm. long, keel-shaped, pilose; wing sepals up to 12 x 11 mm., obliquely suborbicular, glabrous; anterior sepals c. 5.5 mm. long, free, keel-shaped.
Perennial herb up to about 2 m. with woody rootstock with usually a single, longitudinally furrowed, glabrous or nearly glabrous stem.
Capsule 5–6 x 4.5–5.5 mm., broadly obovate in outline, sparsely pilose on the margin with marginal wing 0.5–1 mm. broad.
Upper petals 6 x 3 mm. laterally deeply notched; carina 7 x 4 mm., crest 3 mm. long.
Seeds 2.5 x 1.8 mm., ovoid, white-silky-pubescent; caruncular appendages absent.
Style 9–10 mm. long, strongly curved, glabrous.
Stamens 8.