Flowers greenish-white, pedicels 2–3 mm. long, in short somewhat congested 5–15-flowered lateral racemes 1–2.5 cm. long; bracts and bracteoles persistent, 0.8–1.2 mm. long.
Leaves 1–5 x 0.5–2 cm., narrowly elliptic-oblong, pubescent on the margins and veins and sparsely so elsewhere, tips blunt to subacute, mucronate.
Perennial herb or shrublet 10–30 cm. tall sending up annual shoots after burning; stems slender, crisped-pubescent, rarely branched.
Capsule 3–4 mm. in diam., suborbicular in outline, ciliolate at the margin, marginal wing about 0.5 mm. broad.
Upper petals 2 x 1.5 mm., obliquely ovate; carina 4 mm. long, crest 1.5 mm. long.
Seeds 2.5 x 1.5 mm., sericeous; caruncular appendages 0.5 mm. long.
Stamens 8.