Rigid perennial shrublet, 0.2-0.4 m high, with a woody rootstock; stems and leaves sparsely adpressed-hairy; hairs unbranched. Stems usually more than four from rootstock, erect and spreading, branched, woody at base; young branches green, herbaceous. Leaves spirally arranged, shortly petiolate; petiole upto 0.75 mm long; blade linear-oblong or obovate, 7-15 x 1.02.5 mm, apex obtuse, occasionally acute, mucronate, margin entire. Inflorescences comprising terminal racemes, peduncle up to 80 mm long, pedicels 1.75 mm long. Flowers irregular; bisexual, drooping. Calyx pentamerous, with sepals unequal, three outer ones sepaloid, two inner ones petaloid, larger wing-like, 6-8 x 3.5-5.0 mm, all free; wings pink with darker pink veins. Corolla of five petals, lowest one forming a carina, crested, crest dark pink to purple, two lateral ones usually vestigial or absent, two upper ones joined at base to carina and staminal tube. Stamens eight, basally fused for ±two-thirds their length. Ovary superior, two locular. Fruit a laterally compressed capsule, up to 6.5 mm long, membranous, edges wing-like, 0.25 mm wide, deeply notched at apex, 2-seeded. Seed 4.5 x 1.5 mm, ellipsoid, caruncle oblique, appendages poorly developed, single one membranous, paired ones chitinous; indumentum silky white, ±1 mm longer than seed; testa dark-brown to black.