Perennial herb or dwarf shrub, up to 0.3 m high; not spinescent. Stems spreading, densely leafy; glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaves sessile or subsessile, often fascicled; blade obovate or linear-spathulate, up to 15 x 5 mm, apex rounded, terminating in a hooked point. Flowers: in terminal racemes; wings broadly ovate, ± 6 x 4 mm, apex acute, greenish white with green veins; petals purplish blue; Nov.-Apr.
Sprawling subshrub to 25 cm. Leaves ascending, linear, margins revolute, apex obtuse-apiculate and recurved. Flowers in terminal racemes, purple, side petals entire, obtuse.
Leaves 3–15 x 0.5–2.5 mm., linear to narrowly elliptic or linear-spathulate, minutely pubescent or glabrous, usually rounded at the apex with a recurved mucro.
Flowers purple or blue, pedicels 2–2.5 mm. long, in terminal racemes 3–10 cm. long with minutely pubescent rhachis and minute, caducous bracts and bracteoles.
Posterior sepal 2.5 mm. long; wing sepals 5 x 3 mm., oblong-elliptic, blunt or slightly refuse at the apex, glabrous; anterior sepals 2 mm. long, connate.
Perennial sending up annual shoots from a woody rootstock or shrublet with slender, minutely pubescent, angled or slightly winged stems.
Leaves uncinate, rounded at tips with recurved apices. Flowers in terminal racemes. Wings 4.0-6.5 mm long. Flowers purple or blue.
Seeds 3.5 x 1.2 mm., elliptic, with dense, white, silky indumentum; caruncle 1 mm. long, appendages absent.
Capsule 5.5 x 3.5–4 mm., broadly oblong-elliptic, glabrous, with a narrow marginal wing.
Upper petals 4.5 x 2.5 mm., obovate-spathulate; carina 5 x 2.5 mm., crest 1.5 mm. long.
Stamens 8.