Plants evergreen. Rhizome ascending, ca. 1.5 cm in diam. including stipe bases. Fronds ca. 48 cm; stipe light stramineous, ca. 13 cm, ca. 1 mm in diam., whole stipe sparsely scaly; scales appressed, dark brown, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, membranous, margins ciliate. Lamina light green when dry, adaxially darker, linear-lanceolate, base slightly contracted, 1-pinnate, apex pinnatifid and caudate to long acuminate; rachis light stramineous, without proliferous bulbils, sparsely scaly; scales pale brown, ovate, sometimes only with appressed, thinly membranous scales at base. Pinnae 30-35 pairs, alternate or nearly opposite, approximate or slightly imbricate, sessile or subsessile, strongly ascendant, oblong-falcate, apices acute, aristate-spinulose, obviously curved upward, bases obviously asymmetrical, acroscopic base raised forming an acuminate auricle, apex of auricles long aristate-spinulose, entire on both sides of auricles, acroscopic margins of pinnae straight, weakly toothed, basiscopic margins of pinnae truncate, straight and entire except curved apical part with 2 or 3 short teeth, basal basiscopic margins narrowly cuneate; adaxially glabrous, abaxially sparsely covered with narrowly lanceolate light brown and linear microscales; frond texture papery; venation slightly visible abaxially, distinct adaxially; lateral veins not reaching pinna margin, pinnate above pinna midrib from base upward, dichotomous or simple, simple and rarely dichotomous below pinna midrib. Sori small, (1-)4-6 above pinna midrib, terminal on shorter veinlets, slightly closer to pinna margin than to midrib, none or rarely 1 on apical part below midrib; indusia evanescent.