Polystichum monticola N.C.Anthony & Schelpe


Pteridophytes > Polypodiales > Dryopteridaceae > Dryopteridoideae > Polystichum


Plants terrestrial or epilithic. Rhizome short-decumbent, closely branched, to 14 mm in diameter, set with roots, crowded persistent stipe bases, and paleae; paleae broadly attached, ferrugineous, membranous, narrowly oblong to narrowly linear, cordate, the margins entire or with widely spaced, short, apically or basally directed outgrowths, the apex acicular or with a thin-walled apical cell, to 26 x 1.8 mm. Fronds closely spaced, 5-8 per plant, suberect to arching, to 840 mm long: stipe proximally castaneous, stramineous distally, adaxially sulcate, to 385 mm long, to 5 mm in diameter, densely paleated; larger paleae broadly attached, concolorous or bicolorous, stramineous or with a castaneous central section, these occurring on the proximal third of the stipe, lanceolate to broadly ovate, cordate to cordate-imbricate, the margins with closely to widely spaced, short, straight or curved, often branched fimbriae, the apex acicular or with a thin-walled apical cell, to 20 x 7 mm; smaller paleae short-stalked, narrowly lanceolate to narrowly triangular, cordate to cordate-imbricate, the margins proximally with closely spaced, short and long, often branched fimbriae, the apex entire or with short, firm, widely spaced fimbriae terminating in an acicular cell or with a thin-walled cell: lamina 2-pinnate to 2-pinnate-pinnatifid, firmly herbaceous, dark green adaxially, paler abaxially, narrowly ovate to elliptic, to 510 mm long, proximally somewhat reduced, the proximal pinnae usually somewhat deflexed: rachis stramineous, adaxially sulcate, densely paleated; paleae short-stalked, ferrugineous, chartaceous, narrowly lanceolate, narrowly ovate or narrowly triangular, cordate to cordate-imbricate, the margins proximally with long and short, straight or twisted marginal outgrowths becoming simple towards the apex, the apex usually acicular, rarely terminating in a thin-walled apical cell, to 11.5 x 2.5 mm: pinnae often widely spaced proximally, somewhat overlapping distally, oblong-attenuate to narrowly oblong-attenuate, to 170 x 30 mm: pinna-rachis stramineous, adaxially sulcate, densely set with paleae similar to but smaller than those on the rachis, to 7 x 1.5 mm: pinnules opposite to alternate, closely spaced, often imbricate, asymmetric, narrowly ovate to ovate, acroscopically auricled, serrate to lobate-serrate, sharp-tipped to aristate, the proximal acroscopic pinnule the largest, the proximal pinnules often acroscopically incised to or near to costa, to 22 mm long; adaxially with a few simple and filiform or proximally hastate paleae along the proximal part of the costa, the apical cell always acicular, to 4.5 mm long; abaxially sparsely set with ferrugineous, short-stalked, narrowly triangular to subulate paleae, proximally usually with a few short or long, straight or curved outgrowths, the apical cell always acicular, to 4 x 0.9 mm long. Venation immersed. Sori circular, c. 1.5 mm in diameter, essentially uniseriate, terminal or near terminal on abbreviated vein branches: sporangium with 7-(12)-21 indurated annulus cells; stalk eglandular: indusium stramineous to castaneous, often black-centred, peltate, circular, entire to repand, the maximum radius 0.31-(0.61)-1.04 mm, persistent. Spores brown, 32 per sporangium, the perispore variable, folded to form a reticulum of inflated or compressed ridges and/or tubercles, the crests and areas between echinulate to spiculate, the areas between ridges perforated, the exospore 38-(59.07)-74 x 22-(43.76)-60 µm.
Rhizome creeping, c. 15 mm in diameter, with persistent stipe bases and set with lanceolate, ferrugineous, concolorous or castaneous-striped, shortly laciniate rhizome-scales c. 10 mm long. Fronds tufted at apex of rhizome, arching; stipe pale brown, thickly set with brown or more usually ferrugineous, broad and narrow scales, becoming subglabrous with age except for a tuft of scales basally; lamina herbaceous to thinly coriaceous, ovate-truncate, c. 350 x 140 mm, 2-pinnate to 3-pinnatifid, basal pinnae only slightly reduced; pinnae very narrowly ovate, attenuate; pinnules appearing lunate, aristae not prominent, upper surface glabrous, lower surface set with occasional hairlike scales; venation somewhat apparent; rhachis and secondary rhachises set with numerous laciniate-based, ferrugineous scales. Sori c. 1-1.5 mm in diameter; indusium membranous, erose, c. 1 mm in diameter.
Rhizome decumbent, with stipe bases and ferruginous, narrowly oblong to narrowly linear scales, entire or with spaced apically or basally directed outgrowths. Fronds closely spaced, suberect to arching, up to 840 mm long. Stipe castaneous, with larger and smaller scales, larger scales stramineous, usually with a central castaneous section, lanceolate to broadly ovate, with marginal outgrowths. Lamina ovate to elliptic, 2-pinnate to 3-pinnatifid. Pinnae oblong-attenuate to narrowly oblong-attenuate. Pinnules firmly herbaceous, proximal acroscopic pinnule largest, narrowly ovate to ovate, acroscopically auricled, serrate to lobate-serrate, aristate, adaxially with filiform scales along costa, abaxially with narrowly triangular to subulate scales. Sori round, up 1.5 mm in diam. Indusium round, often black centred, entire to repand.
Terrestrial. Rhizome creeping, with rusty coloured scales. Fronds tufted, arching, 2-pinnate to 3-pinnatifid, basal pinnae only slightly reduced, lamina ovate-truncate, ± 350 x 140 mm, glabrous adaxially, with occasional hair-like scales abaxially; pinnules lunate, margins aristate, aristae not prominent; rachis set with many reddish scales; stipe pale brown, thickly set with scales, becoming subglabrous with age. Sporangia in circular sori with membranous, erose indusium, ± 1 mm in diameter.
Perennial with short decumbent rhizome. Fronds suberect to arching, firmly herbaceous, stipe densely scaled, larger scales often bicolourous, lamina ovate-truncate, 2-pinnate to 3-pinnatifid, pinnules often crescent-shaped, aristate, subglabrous above, sparsely scaled beneath. Sori circular, indusium peltate, erose.
Perennial with short rhizome. Fronds suberect or arching, to 84 cm long, stipe densely scaled, lamina ovate-truncate, 2-pinnate to 3-pinnatifid, pinnules often lunate, aristate, subglabrous above, sparsely scaled beneath. Sori circular, indusium peltate, erose.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity 3-5
Soil texture 7-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-11


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Polystichum monticola world distribution map, present in Lesotho, South Africa, and Zimbabwe


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:17523830-1
WFO ID wfo-0001110877
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Polystichum monticola