Polystichum sinense Christ


Pteridophytes > Polypodiales > Dryopteridaceae > Dryopteridoideae > Polystichum


Plants terrestrial or epilithic. Rhizome short, to 130 mm long, erect to suberect, to 10 mm in diameter, rarely branched, set with roots, crowded, persistent stipe bases, and paleae; paleae broadly attached, castaneous, chartaceous, narrowly linear, the margins with small, widely spaced cellular outgrowths, the apex mostly terminating in an acicular cell, rarely in a small thin-walled cell, to 12 x 1 mm. Fronds caespitose, 8-12 per plant, suberect to arching, to 1.05 m long; stipe proximally castaneous, stramineous distally, adaxially sulcate, to 450 mm long x 5 mm in diameter, sparsely to densely paleated; larger paleae broadly attached, often slightly bullate, spreading, extending to the rachis, concolorous or bicolorous, chartaceous to crustaceous, broadly ovate-acuminate to ovate-acuminate, cordate to cordate-imbricate, the margins widely to closely fimbriate, fimbriae generally straight, the apex entire, terminating in an acicular cell, to 23 x 9 mm; smaller paleae apically or basally directed, stramineous, chartaceous, narrowly triangular to subulate, short-stalked, often somewhat auricled, the margins proximally with long straight, angular or curved outgrowths, distally with few widely spaced, short or long marginal outgrowths, the apex entire, terminating in an acicular cell, to 13 x 7 mm: lamina 2-pinnate, with up to 29 free pinna pairs, herbaceous to firmly herbaceous, pale to dark green adaxially, paler abaxially, narrowly elliptic, to 625 mm long, the proximal pinnae reduced, deflexed: rachis stramineous, adaxially sulcate, densely set with paleae similar to but smaller than those on the stipe, paleae restricted to the abaxial surface, to 9 x 3 mm: pinnae 1-pinnate, with up to 12 free pinnule pairs, proximally widely spaced, distally closely spaced and somewhat overlapping, folded ventrally along the rachis (conduplicate), narrowly triangular to oblong-attenuate, the proximal pinnae to 88 mm long x 20 mm wide: pinna-rachis stramineous, adaxially sulcate, densely paleated; paleae short-stalked, narrowly ovate to narrowly triangular, the margins proximally with long straight or angular outgrowths, apically with few widely spaced short or long outgrowths, the apex entire, terminating in an acicular cell: pinnules asymmetric, acroscopically auriculate, narrowly trullate to trullate, to 12 mm long, serrate, long-aristate; adaxially with straight or slightly twisted filiform paleae, simple or proximally with short straight or curved marginal outgrowths, the apex terminating in an acicular cell; abaxially with straight or proximally somewhat twisted, subulate-hastate paleae, the margins with short straight or angular outgrowths at the base, the apex entire, terminating in an acicular cell. Venation raised. Sori circular, c. 1 mm in diameter, terminal or near terminal on abbreviated vein branches: sporangium with 11-(15)-24 indurated annulus cells; stalk eglandular: indusium stramineous, peltate, circular or reniform, repand to erose, often with small central processes, persistent, the maximum radius 0.51-(0.75)-1.09 mm. Spores 64 per sporangium, brown, the perispore smooth or tuberculate, spiculate, closely perforated, the exospore 32-(41.74)-52 x 24-{30.16)-40 µm.
Plants summer-green. Rhizome erect, densely covered with lanceolate brown scales. Fronds 20-70 cm; stipe stramineous, 5-34 cm, 2-5 mm in diam. at base, densely scaly; scales brown, ovate, lanceolate, and linear. Lamina bipinnatipartite or rarely bipinnate, narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, 25-58 × 4-14 cm, slightly contracted toward base, acuminate; rachis without proliferous bulbils, stramineous, both surfaces covered with linear brown scales, abaxially mixed with broadly lanceolate to narrowly ovate scales. Pinnae 24-32 pairs, alternate, slightly ascendant, shortly stalked, lanceolate, middle pairs 2.5-7 × 0.6-2 cm, bases oblique and nearly truncate, auriculate acroscopically, pinnatipartite to pinna rachis, apices acuminate. Lobes 7-14 pairs, nearly opposite, slightly ascendant, obliquely ovate or obliquely oblong, 4-12 × 2-5 mm, bases obliquely cuneate and decurrent to pinna rachis, slightly auriculate acroscopically, margins with acute forward-pointing teeth, apices acuminate; both surfaces covered with filiform microscales, microscales on abaxial surface denser; frond texture papery; venation pinnate on lobes, indistinct on both surfaces. Sori in 1 row on each side of midrib of lobe; indusia present, incised.
Rhizome erect, c. 5 mm in diameter, set with ferrugineous, linear-attenuate, minutely serrulate rhizome-scales c. 7 mm long. Fronds annual, arching; stipe shorter than lamina, darker basally, set with ovate to narrowly ovate-attenuate, pale brown and castaneous-striped, minutely lacerate scales c. 10 x 5 mm and smaller different-sized scales; lamina softly herbaceous, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, up to 380 x 115 mm, basal pinnae reduced; pinnae narrowly and unequally deltate, acute; pinnules with aristae c. 1 mm long, upper surface subglabrous, lower surface set with very narrow twisted pale scales c. 1-3 mm long; venation somewhat obscure ventrally; rhachis set below with spreading, nitid, stramineous to ferrugineous, fimbriate-based scales c. 5 mm long, above with very narrow, somewhat ferrugineous scales c. 3 mm long; secondary rhachises set with smaller similar scales. Indusium ferrugineous, fimbriate-erose, c. 1 mm in diameter.
Rhizome suberect, with castaneous, narrowly linear scales with small widely spaced cellular outgrowths. Fronds caespitose, suberect to arching, up to 1.05 m long. Stipe proximally castaneous, variously scaled, larger scales often slightly bullate, stramineous, often centrally darkened or nitid and castaneous to almost black throughout, broadly ovate-acuminate to ovate-acuminate, fimbriate. Lamina narrowly elliptic, 2-pinnate, with up to 29 pinna pairs. Pinnae narrowly triangular to oblong-attenuate, 1-pinnate, with up to 12 pinnule pairs. Pinnules herbaceous to firmly herbaceous, narrowly trullate to trullate, serrate, aristate, adaxially with straight or slightly twisted filiform scales, abaxially with straight or proximally somewhat twisted, subulate-hastate scales. Sori round, up to 1 mm in diam. Indusium round, often incomplete, repand to erose.
Terrestrial or epilithic. Rhizome erect to suberect, with reddish brown scales. Fronds tufted, arching, 2-pinnate, basal pinnae slightly reduced, lamina lanceolate-linear, 160-520 x 40150 mm, subglabrous adaxially, with twisted, hair-like scales abaxially; pinnule margins aristate, basal basiscopic arista folded over adaxial surface; rachis and straw-coloured stipe with dense hair-like scales and pale, ovate scales at almost right angles. Sporangia in circular sori with membranous, erose indusium, up to 1 mm in diameter.
Perennial with short, suberect rhizome. Fronds suberect to arching, to 1 m long, caespitose, stipe densely scaled, lamina 2-pinnate, ovate-lanceolate, upper pinnae mostly folded back along rachis, pinnules aristate, moderately scaled above, densely scaled beneath. Sori circular, indusium peltate, erose.
Rhizome erect, set with ferrugineous rhizome scales. Lamina 2-pinnate. Rhachis scales ferrugineous. Basal basiscopic arista of each pinnule folded over upper surface of lamina. Fronds narrowly ovate-lanceolate. Stipe and rhachis set with numerous ovate scales, aristae ±1 mm long.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity 3-7
Soil texture 7-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 7-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Polystichum sinense world distribution map, present in Bhutan, China, Cameroon, Comoros, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, Réunion, Rwanda, Somalia, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Yemen, South Africa, and Zimbabwe


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:17208510-1
WFO ID wfo-0001123494
INPN ID 784939
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


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