Mostly small terrestrial herbs up to about 6 dm. tall, but usually about 2-3 dm. tall. Leaves basal, 4-3 0 cm. long and 1.5-6 cm. broad, variable, elliptic to oblanceolate to ovate to obovate, acute, petiolate, glabrous. Inflorescence pubes-cent, a few-many-flowered, loose raceme; bracts prominent. Dorsal sepal 4-7 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, pubescent dorsally. Lateral sepals 4.5-7 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, oblique, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, pubescent dorsally. Petals 4.5-6 mm. long and 2-4 mm. broad, obliquely subovate or subtriangular, unguiculate, obtuse. Lip 4-7 mm. long and 2-5.5 mm. broad, trilobulate, unguiculate, suborbicular to subquadrate in, outline; lamina fleshy, cucullate at the base; claw fleshy with a conspicuous callus at its base.
Lvs very thin, spreading on the ground, elliptic, 5–10 cm, acute, tapering to the base; scape 2–4 dm, glandular-hairy, as also the axis and pedicels; sep white with green stripes, 5–6 mm, ovate to oblong; lateral pet white with greenish-yellow veins, broadly falcate-ovate, 5 mm, nearly as wide; lip arising near the middle of the column, rotund, white, veined with green, 6 mm, abruptly pointed. Bogs and wet woods on the coastal plain; se. Va. to Fla. and trop. Amer. Sept., Oct.