Porocystis toulicioides Radlk.


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Sapindaceae > Porocystis


Tree or treelet, 5-10 m tall. Stems puberulent. Leaves paripinnate or imparipinnate; petiole plus rachis 15-37 cm long, slightly marginate, puberulent; petiolules 3-6 mm long, swollen; leaflets 6-9(12), alternate or subopposite, glabrous, chartaceous, discolorous, usually drying brownish, adaxially glabrous, abaxially puberulent, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, (4.5)13.5-26 × (2.2) 4.5-8 cm, the base obtuse to subrounded, slightly unequal, the apex short-acuminate, the margins entire; venation abaxially prominent, tertiary veins reticulate. Thyrses distal, paniculate, 25-35 cm long; axes minutely appressed-pubescent. Flowers in compound dichasia; pedicels 1-2 mm long, articulate below the middle, cinereous-tomentulose. Calyx cinereous-tomentulose, 1-2 mm long, the lobes ovate, nearly free to base; petals white-green, elliptic, 2.7-3 mm long; appendage connate to lower half of petal, free part divided into 2, filiform, pubescent projections, the lower half glabrous; disc cinereous, appressed-tomentulose; stamens 1-1.5 mm long, the filaments whitish tomentose; ovary densely appressed-cinereous pubescent all the way to the unbranched style. Fruit tricoccate, cinereous-pubescent; mericarps nearly globose, 2-1.5 cm long, with papery, wrinkled pericarp.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 5.0 - 10.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 10-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Porocystis toulicioides world distribution map, present in Brazil, Greece, French Guiana, and Guyana


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:784494-1
WFO ID wfo-0001134744
INPN ID 735005
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Porocystis demerarae Porocystis toulicioides