Lianas, stout, the stems mostly glabrous, rarely pubescent. Leaves elliptic or oblong-elliptic to ? obovate, sometimes falcate, acute, obtuse to rounded basally, to 18(-30) cm long and 8(-15) cm wide, ? glabrous, firmly mem-branaceous to subcoriaceous; petioles to 2 cm long, ? perfoliate, glandular in the axils. Inflorescences subcorymbose, mostly di-or trichotomous, rarely simple, the peduncle ca. 2-5 cm long. Flowers with the pedicels 10-28 mm long; calyx- lobes ovate to oblong-deltoid, ca. 10-1 3 mm long, ? tinged with purple, bear-ing 1 squamella within; corolla salverform, green-yellow to white, tinged with purple, with 5 epistaminal appendages, slightly exserted or reaching the orifice, the tube ca. 13-18 mm long, the lobe obliquely obovate, 10-13 mm long; sta-mens ca. half-exserted, the anthers 4-5 mm long, papillate dorsally; nectaries concrescent, the margins thin and diphanous, surpassing the ovary at anthesis. Follicles united apically at least when young, to 35 cm long, glabrous; seeds ca. 1 cm long.