Trees, 6-12 m high. Leaves odd-pinnate, becoming more or less glabrate, to 30 cm long; petioles canaliculate, minutely puberulent, 2-8.5 cm long; leaf-lets 3-5(-9), broadly elliptic to oblong or ovate, slightly inequilateral, abruptly acuminate, acute basally, subcoriaceous, minutely puberulent, becoming glabrate, 6.5-19 cm long and 2-8 cm wide; petiolules canaliculate, thickened apically and basally, minutely puberulent, the laterals 8-13 mm long, the terminals 2-5 cm long. Inflorescences axillary panicles, slender-branched from the base, usually feiv-flowered, sparingly appressed-pubescent, 1-13.5 cm long. Flowers yellow, 4-merous; pedicels sparingly appressed-pubescent, 2-2.5 mm long; calyx shal-lowly 4-lobed, the lobes broad and rounded, spreading, sparingly appressed-pubes-cent, ca. 1 mm high; petals 4, broadly ovate, spreading apically, sparingly ap-pressed-pubescent, pubescent adaxially, the margins papillose, 3 mm long and 1.5 mm wide; stamens 8, the filaments subulate, 1.5 mm long; disc 8-lobed, sul-cate, thick, glabrous, covering ca. half the ovary in carpellate flowers and as high as the ovary in staminate flowers, forming a prominent glabrous collar at the base of the fruit; ovary ovoid, appressed-pubescent in carpellate flowers, glabrous in staminate flowers, the stigma 4-lobed. Fruits ovoid, apiculate, stipitate, mi-nutely pubescent, especially apically and basally, reddish, the mesocarp pink or white, 11-25 m long and 10-17 mm in diameter; pyrenes (1-)2-3, green.