Pseuderanthemum Radlk.

Pseuderanthemum (en)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Acanthaceae


Herbs or shrubs, with cystoliths. Leaves sessile or petiolate; leaf blade margin entire or subentire [or lobed]. Flowers in axillary or terminal thyrses, racemes, or spikes; bracts and bracteoles present, mostly shorter than calyx. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes equal to subequal. Corolla salverform; tube slender, not or scarcely apically enlarged; limb 5-lobed or 2-liped; lobes ± equal or 3 of lower lip slightly larger than 2 of upper lip, ascending cochlear in bud. Stamens 2, included in corolla tube or exserted from corolla mouth (some species heterostylous); anthers 2-thecous; thecae equal to subequal, parallel, inserted at same height, muticous; staminodes 2 or absent. Style included or exserted; stigma 2-lobed, lobes equal. Capsule clavate with a long solid stalk, 4-seeded; retinacula present. Seeds lenticular, ornamented or smooth, lacking trichomes.
Herbs or small shrubs. Leaves ovate or elliptic. Inflorescences in terminal or axillary spikes, racemes or panicles; 1 bract and 2 bracteoles subtending each flower or flower cluster. Flowers with the calyx segments 4 or 5, subulate; corolla white, blue, purplish or pink, the tube narrow, the limb spreading, the 5 lobes subequal; stamens 2, included or exserted, the staminodes 2, minute, the anther cells basally obtuse or acute. Capsules long stipitate; seeds 2 or 4.
Life form -
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Pseuderanthemum unspecified picture


Pseuderanthemum world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000031372
INPN ID 704715
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Pseuderanthemum Buceragenia Chrestienia Siphoneranthemum Pigafetta Antheliacanthus

Lower taxons

Pseuderanthemum curtatum Pseuderanthemum poilanei Pseuderanthemum tonkinense Pseuderanthemum selangorense Pseuderanthemum sorongense Pseuderanthemum indicum Pseuderanthemum inclusum Pseuderanthemum idroboi Pseuderanthemum micranthum Pseuderanthemum palauense Pseuderanthemum verapazense Pseuderanthemum chocoense Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Pseuderanthemum candidum Pseuderanthemum breviflos Pseuderanthemum cladodes Pseuderanthemum axillare Pseuderanthemum angustifolium Pseuderanthemum alatum Pseuderanthemum praecox Pseuderanthemum pumilum Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Pseuderanthemum sumatrense Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Pseuderanthemum siamense Pseuderanthemum leptostachys Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Pseuderanthemum katangense Pseuderanthemum metallicum Pseuderanthemum maguirei Pseuderanthemum macgregorii Pseuderanthemum longistylum Pseuderanthemum minutiflorum Pseuderanthemum viriduliflorum Pseuderanthemum bradtkei Pseuderanthemum exaequatum Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum Pseuderanthemum subviscosum Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum Pseuderanthemum longifolium Pseuderanthemum pelagicum Pseuderanthemum parishii Pseuderanthemum kingii Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium Pseuderanthemum tunicatum Pseuderanthemum modestum Pseuderanthemum lilacinum Pseuderanthemum caudifolium Pseuderanthemum fruticosum Pseuderanthemum confusum Pseuderanthemum confertum Pseuderanthemum tomentellum Pseuderanthemum sylvestre Pseuderanthemum dawei Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Pseuderanthemum incisum Pseuderanthemum huegelii Pseuderanthemum comptonii Pseuderanthemum cinnabarinum Pseuderanthemum usambarensis Pseuderanthemum verbenaceum Pseuderanthemum bicolor Pseuderanthemum graciliflorum Pseuderanthemum teysmannii Pseuderanthemum coudercii Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri Pseuderanthemum interruptum Pseuderanthemum pittieri Pseuderanthemum repandum Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii Pseuderanthemum grandiflorum Pseuderanthemum detruncatum Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum Pseuderanthemum heterophyllum Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum Pseuderanthemum riedelianum Pseuderanthemum floribundum Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense Pseuderanthemum hookerianum Pseuderanthemum potamophilum Pseuderanthemum hispidulum Pseuderanthemum haikangense Pseuderanthemum paniculatum Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum Pseuderanthemum thelotrix Pseuderanthemum crenulatum Pseuderanthemum velutinum Pseuderanthemum latifolium Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum Pseuderanthemum congestum Pseuderanthemum orientalis Pseuderanthemum pubescens Pseuderanthemum diversifolium Pseuderanthemum tenellum Pseuderanthemum leptanthus Pseuderanthemum lanceum Pseuderanthemum racemosum Pseuderanthemum teijsmannii Pseuderanthemum liesneri Pseuderanthemum pacificum Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandi Pseuderanthemum macrophyllum Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum Pseuderanthemum album Pseuderanthemum albiflorum Pseuderanthemum dispermum Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis Pseuderanthemum standleyi Pseuderanthemum subauriculatum Pseuderanthemum armitii Pseuderanthemum chaponense Pseuderanthemum bracteatum Pseuderanthemum bibracteatum Pseuderanthemum aubertii Pseuderanthemum galbanum Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum Pseuderanthemum glomeratum Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Pseuderanthemum diachylum Pseuderanthemum polyanthum Pseuderanthemum shweliense Pseuderanthemum campylosiphon Pseuderanthemum variabile Pseuderanthemum carruthersii