Ovary 2-locular, each locule with many ovules borne on the marginal portions of very narrowly oblong curved placentas which resemble lamellae; style about three quarters the length of the corolla tube in short-styled flowers, with stigmas just exserted in long-styled flowers; stigma bilobed, the lobes thick, linear or ovoid.
Flowers fairly large, hermaphrodite, 5-merous, sessile, heterostylous, in several-to many-flowered cymose terminal inflorescences; 1–several of the peripheral flowers usually with one of the calyx lobes expanded into a large coloured venose stipitate lamina (calycophyll) (TAB. 73/A5) (not in the species described below).
Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, the upper part containing the anthers swollen; lobes (4)5, ovate, induplicate-valvate, usually drawn out into a filiform appendage which is very evident in the buds which have 5 apical subulate projections; throat velvety hairy.
Fruit dry, mostly capsular with rather incomplete loculicidal dehiscence or sometimes not dehiscent.
Calyx tube elongate, ± oblong; limb-tube ± absent; lobes 5, subulate.
Stamens always included within the swollen part of the corolla tube.
Leaves opposite petiolate; stipules with 1–2 subulate lobes.
Erect or sometimes scrambling shrubs or subshrubs.
Seeds small, reticulate.