Psophocarpus lancifolius Harms


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae > Psophocarpus


Perennial climbing herb up to 5 m. long from a small carrot-shaped taproot.. Stems adpressed yellowish pubescent or sparsely to very densely spreading pilose.. Leaflets 3, elliptic, rhombic-lanceolate or elliptic, 2·2–11 cm. long, 0·7–3·5(–6) cm. wide, acute at the apex, acute to rounded at the base, pubescent to glabrescent on both surfaces; petiole 1·5–8 cm. long; rhachis 0·9–2 cm. long; petiolules 2–4 mm. long; stipules oblong or ovate-lanceolate, spurred, together with the spur 0·8–2 cm. long.. Inflorescences short, subumbellulate, few-flowered; rhachis ± 1·5 cm. long; peduncle 2–15 cm. long; pedicels 0·3–1·3 cm. long; bracts persistent, ovate to lanceolate, 6–9 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, acute; bracteoles ovate-oblong, 0·8–1·2 cm. long, 5–9 mm. wide, sparsely to densely ferruginous hairy.. Calyx glabrous to densely covered with long brown hairs; tube 5 mm. long; lateral lobes triangular, 1 mm. long; lower lobe 2 mm. long; upper pair of lobes joined to form an entire or emarginate lip.. Standard blue or violet-purple inside, whitish towards the throat, greenish-grey outside, obovate, 1·5–2·5 cm. long, 1·2–2 cm. wide, emarginate; wings bright mauve or lavender; keel pale basally but dark bluish-mauve towards the tip or greenish-lavender.. Pods oblong, rectangular in cross-section, 3·5–7 cm. long, 5–7 mm. wide, prominently winged, the wings 1·5–3 mm. wide, crinkly, sparsely pubescent.. Seeds dark blackish-red or black, squarish to rounded, compressed, longest dimensions 3–5 mm., shorter dimension 3–4·5 mm., 2·5 mm. thick, obscurely but characteristically keeled across the faces at right-angles to the hilum; rim-aril small, yellowish.. Fig. 91, p. 605.
A herb. It is a climbing plant that keeps growing from year to year. It grows 5 m long. The stems can form roots at the nodes and then produce tubers at this point. The plant is covered with soft yellow hairs. The leaflets are narrowly oval and hairy. The standard of the flowers is pink to violet inside and white near the throat. The pods are winged and square or X-shaped in cross section. The seeds are square to round. There are 8-13 seeds per pod. The seeds are reddish-brown.
Standard glabrous, green-tinged outside and purple towards the base, blue inside and tinged white or white veined towards the base, 1.5–2.4 × 1–2 cm, obovate, apex obcordate, base auriculate; wing and keel petals blue, white-tinged at the base, wings 9–18 × 4– 8 mm, narrowly obovate to oblong, with basal appendage to 3 mm long; keel 8–17 × 6–15 mm.
Calyx 5-lobed, glabrous to densely covered with spreading golden or brown hairs; tube 4–5 mm long, upper lobes 1–2 mm long, fused for almost all of their length; lateral lobes 1–2 mm long, triangular; lower lobe 3–5 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, indumentum more dense here than on the rest of the calyx.
Inflorescence axillary, subumbellate to umbellate; peduncle 2.5–16 cm long; rhachis (if subumbellate) to 10 mm long; pedicels 2–11 mm long; bracts 5–8 × 1–2 mm, lanceolate to narrowly ovate; bracteoles 8–12 × 5–9 mm, striate, sparsely to densely pilose with golden spreading hairs.
Leaflets 1.8–8 × 1–3.2 cm, elliptic, lanceolate or narrowly ovate to ovate, somewhat lobed, sparsely to densely pilose with golden hairs on the upper and lower surface; petiole 1.5–6.5 cm long; stipules appendaged below the point of insertion, 8–18 mm long overall.
Seeds reddish-brown, 4 × 3 × 2 mm; hilum 1–2 mm long, transversely bisecting the pale broadly elliptic aril.
Pod black, 3.2–7 × 0.5–0.7 cm, oblong, with 4 striate wings 2–3 mm wide, 11–15-seeded.
Ovary 5–12 mm long, cylindrical; stigma terminal or internal, penicillate.
Stems with appressed or spreading hairs.
Perennial climbing herb to 5 m long.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 6.0
Root system tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Swampy upland grassland, grassland with scattered Combretum, Bridelia, Parinari, Nuxia, Shrebera, etc; evergreen rain-forest margins; dambo grassland; old fields and pastures; also in swampy areas near standing water; streamsides; etc..
It is a tropical plant. In Congo it grows between 1,100-2,550 m altitude. It grows in rocky and swampy savannah. It grows on the edges of forests and in moist places.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The tubers are roasted and eaten.
Uses food medicinal
Edible leaves roots seeds tubers
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Psophocarpus lancifolius world distribution map, present in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000183668
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Psophocarpus lancifolius