Erect or weeping twiggy shrub, up to 2 m high, resprouter, burst-branching on older stems. Stems smooth, glabrous, bluish green when young becoming woody and blackish with white lenticels, sparsely leafy. Stipules absent to small, subulate, rapidly caducous, appressed. Leaves 1-3-foliolate, lowermost 3-foliolate then reducing to single leaflets at shoot apex. Leaflets linear, bluish green, acute, glabrous, glandular, semi-flat, terminal longest. Inflorescences axillary, 1-3-flowered, scattered along shoots. Flowers dirty-white. Cupulum 2-fid, one lobe with deep cleft, small, margins white scarious. Calyx: lobes ovate, glandular, glabrous. Petals: standard suborbicular, dirty white, nectar flash violet; wing petals white, longer than keel. Flowering time Aug.-Apr.
Reseeding, willowy shrub to 4 m, with burst-branching in older plants. Leaves (1-)3-foliolate. Flowers dirty white, standard with violet nectar flash.