Androecium of 5 fascicles of stamens, with few to many stamens in each fascicle and filaments united for most of their length; fasciclodes 5, fleshy, scale-like, alternating with the fascicles.
Leaves opposite, less frequently subopposite or alternate, petiolate, entire, often furnished with opaque glandular dots and stellate indumentum.
Petals 5, villous within, furnished with longitudinal glandular lines and swollen nectariferous tissue at the base.
Ovary 5-locular, with 1 (2)-ovulate loculi and ascending ovules; styles 5, free.
Seeds large, with a fleshy glandular-punctate testa.
Inflorescence a terminal panicle, usually cymose.
Sepals 5, with longitudinal linear glands.
Trees, shrubs or shrublets.
Flowers bisexual.
Fruit a berry.