Pod 1-seeded, stipitate, circular, 14.5 cm in diameter (Mozambique material); wing papyraceous, undulate and flaccid, sparsely pubescent, sometimes with a few scattered bristly hairs, asymmetric at the base, style-insertion bent down overlapping the stipe and producing a deep narrow sinus, thickened-umbonate over the seed, quite glabrous (when ripe).
Inflorescence (in East African material) of panicles in axils of upper leaves, 10–19 cm long, with a few lax rather spreading primary branches, many-flowered; bracts 1–3 mm long, lanceolate to ovate, caducous; bracteoles 3–6 mm long; pedicel small and narrow.
Corolla 11–13 mm long, cream or yellow, fragrant; standard broadly ovate; wings broadly expanded, enveloping the keel and nearly as long as the standard.
Branchlets terete, bark brown, appressed-pubescent, interspersed with ± dense hispid reddish glandular hairs, 1–2 mm long.
Stem with buttresses at the base (Pedro & Pedrógão 5272); bark dark, flaking off in plates; crown spreading or round.
Calyx 5.5–7 mm long, ± densely covered with short appressed brownish hairs outside and on the lobes inside.
Evergreen tree up to 20 m tall.