Rosette leaves 3–6, ovate, 3–10 x 3–8mm, green, margins entire. Flower stem 80–20 tall, very thin, wiry, 1–4-flowered. Flowers moderately crowded, 1–2 open at once, externally scabrous, 7–9 x 3–3.5mm, pale green and brown. Dorsal sepal about as long as petals, both scabrous. Synsepalum bulging in side view, curved inwards at top; frontal opening deeply notched. Free points triangular, acuminate, 2–2.5mm, just reaching top of hood. Labellum tip visible through sinus opening in set position, narrowly obovate, 3.5–4 x 1–1.3mm, pale brown and white.
Highly localised and known from only one locality, growing in slashed heath and grassland beside road in freely draining grey-black sandy loam. Surrounding vegetation is tall dense heathland which in the natural balance would be burnt regularly.